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Event Details

PA Healthy and Green Initiative: Eco-Healthy Child Care-CCDBG 5

C2: Knowledge Application
Wednesday, February 6 - Wednesday, February 20, 2019  
6:00am to 11:30pm
(3.00 Hours)
For more information, please see the monthly flyer found on this page
3 hours over two weeks online – PA Healthy and Green Eco Healthy – ECEPD230.(C10) funded by KSRC. Login information will be provided to email address after registering from NCC. Questions regarding login can be directed to education@northampton.edu using title (above)


Course ID 8923
This course introduces child care program directors and teachers to the most common environmental hazards that may be present in their programs. This information helps care givers to reduce or eliminate the likelihood that children and/or staff are exposed to these particular environmental toxins. Eco-Healthy Childcare is a nationally-recognized, science-based, pediatric environmental health program that is tailored to child care programs of all types.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:

-Identify major environmental health issues for children
-Identify contributing factors to vulnerability
-Understand and take preventive measures
-Identify available resources

Target Audience: All

Download Participant Handouts


Event Fee
Registration Closed
Register By


Northampton Community College (Email)
KeyStone Research Corporation / Northwest Institute of Research
3835 Green Pond Road
Bethlehem, PA 18020
Payment must be made at time of registration – Register online for each offering

To Register:
To register and pay, please log into the PA Key Registry - www.pakeys.org and search by Event ID, Title or Date of offering.

KSRC Funded Program Fee: Fall 2018-Spring 2019 Offerings $7.00 fee for two hours, $14.00 fee for 3-4 hours, and $21.00 fee for 5-6 hours professional development activities.

Please contact the PA Key 1-800-284-6031

KeyStone Research Corporation / Northwest Institute of Research

Keystone Research Corp/NWIR (PD/TA)

Delivery Methods

Web Based

Assessment of Learning

Reflection Paper
Self Report


This course introduces child care program directors and teachers to the most common environmental hazards that may be present in their programs. This information helps care givers to reduce or eliminate the likelihood that children and/or staff are exposed to these particular environmental toxins. Eco-Healthy Childcare is a nationally-recognized, science-based, pediatric environmental health program that is tailored to child care programs of all types.

3.00 Hours

Course Level

C2: Knowledge Application

PQAS Approved

Course Category



(3 Hours)

CDA Content Areas

Safe, Healthy Learning Environment (3 Hours)

Center Staff
Head Start/Early Head Start
Pre-K Counts
